Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spring Is In The Air

Spring is in the air this week.  The temperatures have been in high 40's and low 50's with lots of sunshine.  I have been doing little bits of yard work at a time, so it does not have to be done all at once.  This week, I hooked up the yard sweeper to the lawnmower and got up all the gumballs that were in the yard.  The gumballs are the miserable things that fall out of a Chinese Oak tree.  I think that's the correct name.  Anyway, thank goodness for the yard sweeper.  Best investment I have made next to the tractor.  I just can't get out there and rake a yard anymore, and I can't stand to see all the mess in the yard either.  That's my dad coming out in me.  I did alot of raking as a kid, and I guess that nice tidy yard has followed me into adulthood.

I pulled some vines and dead tomato plants from around the porch.  Only about five minutes of work at a time, but accomplishing some headway in the yard none the less.  I did that once the past three days.  It gets me outside and a little exercise at the same time.  It is still irritating that I don't have the physical stamina that I once did.  Even these simple tasks drained me on energy.  But like I said, I keep trying. 

The planting bug has bitten me.  I got a few peat pots I had left over from last year and put some squash seeds in them.  I have set them in the back bedroom that I use for storage and hope they will be big and strong when it is time to put them outside.  I need to decide what heirloom tomatoes I want to try and grow this year.  I still have some leftover seeds from a few years ago that should germinate.  I love tomatoes and the heirloom varieties are so interesting.  There is a region and story behind each one.  Much more interesting then coming from the grocery store shelf.  And I grew them with my own hands!  That's the best part! 

Gee, I can't wait for Spring!  :-)