Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Five Minutes At A Time

With a heart condition that limits my physical abilities and stamina, I have had to come up with a system to get things done that I need to do.  I have always been active, carrying on projects both inside and outside the house.  I love to be outside and work in the yard.  I have little vegetable gardens around the house, instead of flowers.  I love flowers also, but the vegetables taste better.  Anyway, in order to keep up with the work and be active, I take on projects five minutes at a time.  Work five minutes, and rest.  Catch my breath, let my heart quit working so hard, and five more minutes.  Every day is different.  Sometimes I can go a little more than others.  But I get things done, it just takes a little more time than normal.

My concept behind many small vegetable beds, instead of one big garden is simple.  I can manage the small ones, without feeling overwhelmed.  Trying to do one big garden would leave me feeling unsuccessful, and I would give up on it.  Each one I finish is an accomplishment, and I can move on to the next.  Get one done a day, so to say.

I love to mow the yard, and thank goodness for my little riding lawn mower!    It takes about 45 minutes to mow, going at a nice steady pace.  I like to take this time to reflect, think, or just appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature.  Or all three!  I have this really cool hat that my boyfriend's mom gave me, and I have added some embellishments to it. Flowers from here and there, and a ribbon around the brim.   This is my mowing hat.  Sometimes I wear it just working in the yard,  It makes me feel eccentric. 

I use this concept inside the house also.  With cleaning, I pick a room at a time or a project.  For example, if I wanted to wash the windows, I do one or two and rest if I have to.  Five minutes at a time.

I find making a list helps me also.  If I put six items on a list, and have four checks, I feel very satisfied.  This helps me keep things going.  Helps me get things done.