Thursday, June 12, 2008

Promote The General Welfare - What Happened To It?

"Promote the general welfare". Directly from the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America. I want to know what ever happened to "Promote the general welfare"? Before I go any further, I want to state that I am not a political person. I am however, a person who believes in fairness all around. I would like to see honesty and compassion prevail in this world. Now, with that said, on with my train of thought.

"Promote the general welfare", what ever happened to that?? Lately it feels like promote the welfare of the rich people and corporations. Or whoever lines the pockets of the politicians. I don't care if it is a "campaign donation", it still influences the person getting the donation. The rich are getting richer and all the tax breaks and the poor are getting poorer and just a little "stimulus" check. What a laugh!!

Just as an example, I'll use the ever increasing price of gasoline. This has created such a gigantic snowball effect. Increases in food costs, utilities, consumer goods, service fees, everything!! Everything except our paychecks, that is. It costs us more to drive to work, buy our food, pay for utilities! But our paychecks remain the same, except now they have to go alot further!!

The people with money seem to get all the donations. Money, tax breaks, clothing and products for endorsements, only to name a few. My back is getting a little tired of carrying all these rich rear ends around. Especially now that my health is no so good and I can only work part time. I am actually not supposed to be working at all, but I can't get my bills paid that way.

So yes, I want to know what ever happened to "Promote the general welfare"? It has gotten lost somewhere. We need to find it.