I need to get back to my roots. Not going home or anything, but back to the basics of me. Too long I have just made it through each day just to get to the next, and have not enjoyed the ride getting there. I need to savor every day and realign my karma to bring back harmony in my life. It's like a Christian going back to church.
My spirituality is very deep and I have tucked it away. I need to bring it back out and start honoring my beliefs again. I have been struggling with my creativity recently and I know it is because I am in a rut. I have allowed myself to become mired down in what is the muck of everyday life and I need to pull myself out. If not for my own soul and peace of mind, but maybe to improve my daily life with better karma.
Getting back to the natural religion I practice, will improve every ounce of my being. Reading and researching will not only sharpen my mind, but bring the necessary information to help imporve my health. Improved health and mind leads to improved quality of life.
I want to refresh myself on the use and healing properties of herbs and crystals. What comes from nature is some of the strongest medicine you can find, and in the right combinations can heal anything.