I need to think outside of the box. I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure out what to do with my life to make a living. I keep asking myself why I can't think of anything. I want to put my creativity to use. Money earning use. This is where thinking outside of the box comes into play. Just because I would not buy something because I can make it myself, does not mean everyone feels that way. As my other sister once said, not everyone is "crafty". My dream is to think of a nitch that people with disposable income will be interested in purchasing on a regular basis.
I was talking to my sister today and we are both in the same boat. She is creative also and is having a hard time with depending on conventional work. We both decided it was our own insecurities that was holding us back. To explain this, we were not given any encouragement growing up to go for out dreams. Now it is time for us to break out of that rut and become successful women.
Alot of what is holding us back, second to the confidence, is money. It takes money to purchase materials to create products to sell online. And neither one of us want to make shabby products. So we need to get a small list of products developed and out there, then once there are some sales we can take that money and reinvest in more products and expanding mediums. Wish us luck!