I have come to my own conclusion that sometimes two people's energies are bad for each other. Example being, my boyfriend and I. When I am away from him, I miss him, like to talk to him on the phone, tell him I love him, and can't wait to see him again. And then went we are together, I can't wait to be away from him! I personally believe our electrical currents bring out the bad static in each other.
Case in point, recently he was away from the house for a week visiting relatives up north. I had a great week while he was gone. I cleaned the house and it stayed clean, I enjoyed my food. I was relaxed and at peace. And I even dropped a few pounds that week. I actually missed him a little during that time too. But when he came home, everything went right back to the way it had been. Messy house, not wanting to cook, not feeling good, and well, just sick of having him around. I am sick of picking up after him, he never wants to try interesting food, and his drinking and drug habits are just too much for me. And when I try to bring these to light, all he does is roll everything back on me. So I give up! It's not worth my energy arguing with him because he does not think he does anything wrong. So I just bide my time until I can move away.